What are some ways authenticity plays a part in your projects?

How important is being authentic to you in regards to your projects? How important is it to be seen as authentic? Do you think public persona affects the success of projects?

What is the relationship of authenticity and success to you and your projects?

How do you feel about collaborations and/or working with a team? Does it help authenticate projects by having more people believe in the purpose and working at progressing the project?

When was the last time you found yourself in a professional situation or  working on a project where you didn't feel like your most authentic self?

What are some trends and variables in circumstances or situations that you find yourself in over time that helps you feel like your most authentic self?

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Moderator: Annelie Chavez

Moderator: Annelie Chavez

Moderator: Pia Coronel

Moderator: Pia Coronel